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Management, Budget and Planning → Process and Participation

Process and Participation: Make Your Voice Heard

Make your voice heard
Whether you have children in MCPS or not, the state of the school system should be of concern to you. First, your taxes finance the majority of the school system's operating cost. Therefore, you should have a say in how those funds are spent. Second, the quality of the school system attracts business to the county, which affects the taxes required from individual residents. Finally, if you are a parent with a child in school, you have a special interest in ensuring that your child receives the best education possible.

You are therefore encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities afforded you to make your voice heard. These include:

Get involved and learn about your public school system and what it does for the children of Montgomery County.

Citizen participation
Citizens may make recommendations on the MCPS Operating Budget at various stages in the budget development process. Work on the operating budget for the next fiscal year typically begins in the summer, with a preliminary estimate completed by early fall. After considering all requests from MCPS units and reviewing recommendations from principals, executive staff and community members, the superintendent recommends a budget to the Board of Education by the end of December. The Board holds public hearings to gather community comments, then works to finalize the budget proposal, which is submitted to the Montgomery County Council. The Council also holds a public hearing and takes action. The Board approves a final budget.

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